Start a conversation

Recently I’ve had a few experiences that highlighted to me how different the last few months with COVID have been, even though on first thought it might seem like nothing has changed or impacted us that much. It reminded me how important our social relationships are to supporting our health and happiness.

I think we would all say we are lucky to have the work mates we have, that have really helped through this period, but that might be the limitation of much of our socialising.

I was further reminded of the value of talking when Triple M radio station had a ‘No Talk Day’ last week to raise awareness for mental health and to encourage people to start talking.

So I thought it was a good reminder to share with everyone – honestly check in with ourselves on how we’re going,  look after ourselves, lean on and be there for our friends (even if it’s just for a beer and a chat), look out for those around you, and don’t be afraid to really ask ‘R U ok?’.

But raising awareness for men’s mental health is not just a one-day thing. We’re committed to having the important conversations with the people who matter to us, and we want you to do the same.

Every day in Australia, six men die by suicide. It’s the leading cause of death for men aged 18-44.

Sometimes men don’t talk about what is affecting them, which is why on Triple M’s No Talk Day, right across Australia, we’re not talking. We want you to have that important conversation with the people who matter to you. It might be the most important chat you ever have.

We know it’s not always easy to know what to say. Below, we’ve worked with our mates at  to give you some tips for approaching that difficult, but important, conversation.

Have you noticed a mate, colleague or family member behaving differently? Do they not seem their usual self?

Many people will be hesitant to start a conversation out of fear of causing offence or making things worse, not wanting to get involved or not being sure how to respond.

You don’t need to have all the answers – just by being supportive and listening, you’re helping to make a difference.


Start a conversation

  • Think about the most appropriate time and place. Find somewhere private where the person will feel comfortable.


  • Remember that this is their story, so don’t try to guess how it plays out. Instead, listen and ask questions. Repeat back your understanding of what they’ve said to make sure you its accurate.


  • Appreciate that they opened up and shared their story with you. Think about what they need now and ask what you can do to help.

Encourage action

  • Discuss options for further support, such as speaking to another friend or family member, their GP, or Beyond Blue and agree on next steps.

Check in

  • Make a note to check in with them again in a few days.

Crisis support

  • If the person tells you that they are feeling suicidal or they are planning on taking their own life, contact Lifeline, emergency services or your local mental health crisis service.

Have you noticed that you’re not yourself lately?

Everyone feels sad, angry, or flat sometimes – these feelings are part of a healthy, full range of emotions, and are usually nothing to worry about.

However, if you’ve been feeling sad, down, miserable, angry or overly worried most of the time for more than two weeks, you may be experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety. Take the mind quiz to see how you’re travelling.

Remember, if you or someone you know needs support, there is help available.

To chat to a mental health professional contact Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636

For crisis support contact Lifeline – 13 11 14

By admin

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