There are many different terms you can use for beer. Booze, brewski, ale, grog, tinnie, stubbie, we all know the more common ones but what about the more hilarious ways you can call a beer a beer. So after a few beers, you can really start getting your creative juices flowing. In this list, we have collated 100 randomly hilarious ways to call a beer a beer. We hope you pick your favourite and start the trend.
- Milton Mango
- Orange whip
- Sherbert
- Suds
- Denzel Frothingtons
- Mark Brewciutto
- David Hasselfroths
- Inky-pinkys
- Reece Witherschoons
- Oprah Tinfreys
- John Deers
- Dustin Frothmans
- Beerack Obamas
- Big Lebrewskis
- Maggie Beers
- Beef Strogenfroths
- Osama Tin Ladens
- Angelina Coldies
- Penny Whip
- Pigs Ears
- Brew Barrymores
- Frosty pop
- Mt Frothyoskos
- David Boons
- Amber Nector
- Tim ‘The Froth Man’ Taylors
- Vitamin Bs
- Michael Schoomachers
- Jesus Juice
- Froffy Longstockings
- Barley Saodas
- Kevin Frothners
- Liquid bread
- Dale Cherry-Bevans
- Tin Diesels
- Monica Brewinskis
- Michael Brewblès
- Ghengis Cans
- A Schooner Matatas
- Schooney Tunes
- Nutty Frothessors
- Tin Baileys
- Brews Willis
- Eddie Furphys
- Turps
- Arnold Quenchanators
- Malcolm XXXX
- Limp Brewskits
- Kylie Tinogues
- Stone Cold Steve Frothstins
- Edward Schooner Hands
- Brendan Bevolas
- Victoria Beckhams
- Long Knecks
- Hoptimus Primes
- Jonathan Thirstons
- Michael Bevans
- Old Boys
- Mad Dogs
- Scooby Brews
- Greg Norman’s (Great Northern’s)
- Valentino Frothy’s
- Heston Brewmenthals
- Mary Frothins
- George Schoonies
- Sharon Steins
- Schooner McGavins
- Christian Ales
- Frothage Sizzles
- Old Pharaohs
- Mrs. Stoutfires
- Nelson Mandela’s (Stella’s)
- Hop juice
- Doctor Brewlittles
- Jackie Chang’s.
- Alice’s (Coopers)
- Rolling Stones and Woods
- Jodie Fosters
- Schooey Armstrongs
- Brews Jenners
- Coldie Hawns
- Laughing water
- Buzz Light Beers
- Stingos
- William Shakesbeers
- Wallops
- Dalai Lagers
- Dolly Cartons
- Coupla Coupla’s
- Ted Bundys
- Miley Ciders
- Penny Ales
- Brew Hefner’s
- Frothage Rolls
- Chug Norris
- Danny Bevvitos
- Bernard Tonics
- Heady Mercurys
- Beverley Hills Hops
- Whip Bellys